Study abroad opportunities for science students

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Are you interested in studying in another country while here at Ashland University? Our science students have spent entire semesters or a summer studying and working abroad. If you would like to explore study abroad opportunities mention this to your faculty advisor. You can also get great advice from the Director of our Global Education Office, Rebecca Parillo, who you can email with this link.

On February 6th, 2013 we will be hosting a speaker on campus from Partners in Health who works with Haitian health clinics. She will be speaking about her work and opportunities for students to work in international public health.

The opportunities listed below are ones that Ashland students have completed, or that have been recommended by our Global Education Office.


CCIS Study Abroad

The University Study Abroad Consortium

Operation Wallacea

The School for Field Studies

Global Service Corps

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute